You might remember the 2011 American biographical sports film Moneyball or read the nonfiction book of the same name. It tells the story of how the 2002 Oakland Athletics, led by their unconventional manager Billy Beane, propelled their way to a division title by deploying an unconventional strategy: eschewing high paid baseball stars in favor of affordable players that simply get on base. But what does wine tasting, and baseball have in common?

Well, you might not be managing a professional sports team, but, I suspect you may have a wine cabinet, fridge, or shelf that you are looking to fill with an affordably priced wine that is high on taste and low on cost. If so, Block Nine Pinot Noir from Caiden’s Vineyards gets on base. 

The wine-maker created the label in response to increased demand in the Pinot Noir market which, at the time, was dominated by only low-quality, large, mass marketed brands or small-batch, expensive, elite labels. So, Block Nine chose to make strictly Pinot at a reasonable price point most consumers could afford which is why Wine Enthusiast Magazine called it a Best Buy wine you should “run, not walk to find.” During a recent steak dinner, my wife and I tasted this unpretentious Pinot and found it medium-bodied, fruity, and a bit tart at the finish. So, if you are looking to fill a space in your dugout with an affordably priced player, check the stats, Block Nine’s more than worth its salary space.

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