Frank Weakland (“Farmer Frank”) has his hand in just about everything when it comes to farming. From ramps in the spring, award-winning garlic (2013-2014 Best of Show for Produce from the Southern Lancaster County Fair) in the summer, to his ambrosial heirloom tomatoes, Frank has always been a perfect, one-of-a kind partner for our Cooperative.
Garlic growing has been his passion for over 20 years and his farm, Big Elk Garlic Farm in Lincoln University, PA, is home to over 12 unique and distinct varieties of garlic. He can easily accommodate the recreational gardener’s taste from the traditional to the exotic.
Heirloom tomatoes follow a close second to garlic and just like it, you cannot get these anywhere else but our Cooperative. And with all his produce, Frank grows only using organic methods. The heirlooms range from almost white and light to over a pound and bruised in color. Varieties such as Box Car Willie, Purple Cherokee, Green Moldovan, and many others grace our department as the season flows throughout the summer and early fall.
The Swarthmore CO-OP is proud to be a partner with Frank. In the past, we served as an outlet to help him find his footing with new produce such as figs and corn. We are proud to continue the tradition with the first batch of his sweet potatoes arriving towards the fall. Thank you for your continual support.