Virtual Annual Owners Meeting

As an owner you are invited to VIRTUALLY attend the 82nd Annual Owners’ meeting of the Swarthmore CO-OP. Join us online to hear about the state of the store. The...

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States

The June board meeting will be a virtual meeting. If you would like to attend please contact the board.

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States

Owner Appreciation Weekend

Swarthmore CO-OP 341 Dartmouth Ave, Swarthmore, PA, United States

All owners will get 10% their purchases. Regretfully, their will be no instore sampling or local vendors to speak with about their products due to COVID-19.

Safe Business Saturday

In an effort to highlight that our small businesses are open and safe, we are inviting the community to come into town and see for themselves how Swarthmore Town Center...

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States

If you are interesting in attending the board meeting, please send an email to [email protected] and someone will send you an invite.

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States

This meeting will be held virtually. Please email [email protected] for a link.

CO-OP Board Meeting

Swarthmore Borough Hall 121 Park Ave., Swarthmore, United States